The Ethics of a Barefoot Doctor

·         It is good to care for others.

·         It is preferable to allow people the freedom to choose the care they prefer.

·         Negligence, abuse, fraud and less than skillful care should be accountable to the laws of the land.

·          Healers should do what they are skilled at as excellently as possible, with the blessings of those involved.

·         A healer has the right to serve or not to serve as their own conscience dictates

·         A healer may act contrary to the laws regulating healing if a healing is requested and necessary, and the healer’s conscience believes they are skilled to execute the healing.

·         A Barefoot Doctor respects the beliefs, cultures and laws of those they serve.

·         A Barefoot Doctor keeps their healing relationships confidential and sacred.

·         A Barefoot Doctor shares their art with those enthusiastically seeking to learn.

·         A Barefoot doctor offers their services for a reasonable exchange.

·         A Barefoot doctor has an unconditional positive regard for those they seek to serve

·         A Barefoot Doctor honors their teachers and students, clients and colleagues.

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