The Seven Rays

and their Glamours


Ray 1.

The glamour of physical strength.
The glamour of personal magnetism.
The glamour of self-centeredness and personal potency.
The glamour of "the one at the centre."
The glamour of selfish personal ambition.
The glamour of ruler ship, of dictatorship and of wide control.
The glamour of the Messiah complex in the field of politics.
The glamour of selfish destiny, of divine right of kings personally exacted.
The glamour of destruction.
The glamour of isolation, of aloneness. of aloofness.
The glamour of superimposed will--upon others and upon groups.

Ray 2.

The glamour of the love of being loved.
The glamour of popularity.
The glamour of personal wisdom.
The glamour of selfish responsibility.
The glamour of too complete an understanding, which negates right action.
The glamour of self-pity, a basic glamour of this ray.
The glamour of the Messiah complex, in the world of religion.
The glamour of fear, based on undue sensitivity.
The glamour of self-sacrifice.
The glamour of selfish unselfishness.
The glamour of self-satisfaction.
The glamour of selfish service.

Ray 3.

The glamour of being busy.
The glamour of cooperation with the Plan in an individual not a group way.
The glamour of active scheming.
The glamour of creative work--without true motive.
The glamour of good intentions, which are basically selfish.
The glamour of "the spider at the centre."
The glamour of self-importance, from the standpoint of knowing, of efficiency.
The glamour of devious and continuous manipulation.


From:  Bailey, Alice.  Glamour, A World Problem







Ray 4.

The glamour of harmony, aiming at personal comfort and satisfaction.
The glamour of war.
The glamour of conflict, with the objective of imposing righteousness and peace.
The glamour of vague artistic perception.
The glamour of psychic perception instead of intuition.
The glamour of musical perception.
The glamour of the pair pf opposites, in the higher sense.

Ray 5.

The glamour of materiality, or over-emphasis of form.
The glamour of the intellect.
The glamour of knowledge and of definition.
The glamour of assurance, based on a narrow point of view.
The glamour of the form which hides reality.
The glamour of organization.
The glamour of the outer, which hides the inner.

Ray 6.

The glamour of devotion.
The glamour of adherence to forms and persons.
The glamour of idealism.
The glamour of loyalties, and of creeds.
The glamour of emotional response.
The glamour sentimentality.
The glamour of interference.
The glamour of the lower pairs of opposites.
The glamour of World Saviors and Teachers.
The glamour of the narrow vision.
The glamour of fanaticism.

Ray 7.

The glamour of Magical Work.
The glamour of the relation of the opposites.
The glamour of the subterranean powers.
The glamour of that which brings together.
The glamour of the physical body.
The glamour of the mysterious and the secret.
The glamour of Sex Magic.
The glamour of the emerging manifested forces.