Learning Styles Assessment

1. Concentrating

Does seeing clutter or movement distract you? Do you notice things around you that other people don’t?

Are you distracted by sounds or noises? Do you control the amount and the type of noise around you?

Are you distracted by activity around you? Do you shut out conversations and go inside yourself?

2. Visualizing

Do you see clear, detailed pictures in your thoughts?

Do you think in sounds and voices?

Do the images you see in your thoughts involve movement?

3. Talking

Is it hard for your to listen for a long time? Do you often use words such as see, picture, and imagine?

Do you enjoy listening? (Or, maybe, you’re impatient to talk?) Do you often use words such as say, hear, tune, and think?

Do you like to gesture and talk with your hands? Do you often use words such as feel, touch, and hold?

4. Contacting people

Do you prefer direct, face-to-face, personal meetings?

Do you prefer the telephone for serious conversations?

Do you prefer to talk while walking or participating in an activity?

5. Meeting someone again

Do you forget name but remember faces? Can you usually remember where you met someone?

Do you tend to remember people’s names? Can you usually remember what you talked about?

Do you tend to remember what you did together? Can you almost feel your time together?

6. Relaxing

Do you prefer to watch TV, see a play, go to a movie?

Do you prefer to listen to the radio, play music, read, talk with a friend?

Do you prefer to play sports, make crafts, build something with your hands?

7. Reading

Do you like descriptive scenes? Do you pause to imagine the storyline?

Do you enjoy the conversation most? Can you “hear” the characters talk?

Do you prefer action stories? (Or, maybe don’t even enjoy reading for pleasure?)

8. Spelling

Do you try to see the word in your mind? Do you imagine what it would look like on paper?

Do you use a phonetics and spelling rules to sound out the word? Do you hear it in your thoughts or say it aloud?

Do you write down the word to find out if it feels right? Maybe you run your finger over it or type it out?

9. Doing something new at work

Do you like to see demonstrations, diagrams, and flow charts? Do you seek out pictures or diagrams?

Do you find verbal and written instructions helpful? Do you like talking it over? Do you ask a friend or someone sitting next to you?

Do you prefer to jump right in and try it? Do you keep trying? Do you try different ways?

10. Putting something together

Do you look at the picture and then, maybe, read the directions?

Do you like reading or talking with someone about it? Do you find yourself talking aloud as you work?

Do you usually ignore the directions and figure it out as you go along?

11. Interpreting mood

Do you mostly look at facial expressions?

Do you listen to the tone of voice?

Do you watch for body language?

12. Teaching people

Do you prefer to show them?

Do you prefer to tell them? Write it out?

Do you demonstrate how it’s done? Ask them to try it?





The column with the highest total represents your primary processing style. The column with the second-most choices is your secondary style.

Your primary learning style:                                                         

Your secondary learning style:                                                     
