Krsna on The Soul


That which really is, cannot go out of existence, just as that which is non-existent cannot come into being. The end of this opposition of 'is' and 'is not' has been perceived by the seers of essential truths, Know that to be imperishable by which all this is extended. Who can slay the immortal spirit? Finite bodies have an end, but that which possesses and uses the body, is infinite, illimitable, eternal, indestructible. Therefore fight, O Bharata. He who regards this (the soul) as a slayer, and he who thinks it is slain, both of them fail to perceive the truth. It does not slay, nor is it slain. This is not born, nor does it die, nor is it a thing that comes into being once and passing away will never come into being again. It is unborn, ancient, sempiternal; it is not slain with the slaying of the body. Who knows it as immortal eternal imperishable spiritual existence, how can that man slay, O Partha, or cause to be slain? The embodied soul casts away old and takes up new bodies as a man changes worn-out raiment for new. Weapons cannot cleave it, nor the fire burn, nor do the waters drench it, nor the wind dry. It is uncleavable, it is incombustible, it can neither be drenched nor dried. Eternally stable, immobile, all-pervading, it is for ever and for ever. It is unmanifest, it is unthinkable, it is immutable, so it is described (by the Srutis); therefore knowing it as such, thou shouldst not grieve. Even if thou thinkest of it (the self) as being constantly subject to birth and death, still, O mighty armed, thou shouldst not grieve. For certain is death for the born, and certain is birth for the dead; therefore what is inevitable ought not to be a cause of thy sorrow. Beings are unmanifest in the beginning, manifest in the middle, O Bharata, unmanifest likewise are they in disintegration. What is there to be grieved at? One sees it as a mystery or one speaks of it or hears of it as a mystery, none knows it. This dweller in the body of everyone is eternal and indestructible, O Bharata; therefore thou shouldst not grieve for any creature.

Bhagavad-Gita, II:16-30