Negative Cognition







Looking at only one element  of a situation to the exclusion of other important considerations.

Seeing the details of a situation in a broader perspective.


Polarized Thinking

Tending to perceive everything at the extremes, with very little consideration of the middle ground.


Perceiving both the duality and unity of  our experiences, the world and our choices.



The tendency make a broad generalized conclusions based on a limited  evidence.

The ability to draw accurate conclusions based on the evidence at hand.


Mind Reading

The tendency to make snap judgements about what others are thinking.

The recognition that our impressions and understanding of others is limited in accuracy.



The tendency to make a mountain out of a mole hill.  Giving undo import to insignificant events

The tendency to give each event the import it is due.


Control Fallacies

The tendency to see oneself as helpless and externally controlled; or as omnipotent and responsible for everyone else

The recognition of our will power and agency, and giving everyone the ability to accept their own karma and responsibility they are capable.


Fallacies of Fairness

The tendency to believe that people, nature and the world is fair and just.

The recognition that life and others are not necessarily fair, honest, and upright. 


Emotional Reasoning

The tendency to believe that  what one feels make it true or right.   


The recognition that feelings are different than truth.


Fallacy of Change

The tendency to believe that others will change in the ways we want them to if we pressure them accordingly.

The recognition that others will change when they are ready to change, and inspiring them to do so according to their own highest vision.



Global Labeling

The tendency to make far reaching judgements and packaging them neatly under one label, leading to bias and prejudice.

The tendency to be open minded to make accurate conclusions based on the evidence at hand, and being open to amend this conclusion in the llight of new evidence.



The tendency to blame others for what is our own responsibility.



Accepting of our own karma and responsibility .



The tendency to follow inflexible rules about how oneself and other people should act.

The willingness to have flexible, creative and accepting notions have how one should act.