The Blue Pearl


Blue pearl swimming in space,

mother of all our children;

Sustainer of life in present and future

theater of all that’s been.


The ground beneath our feet,

with whom all roots take grip;

The source of all the elements,

and destination of all trips.


The oceans are so vast and deep,

yet are but puddles on her surface;

all life that swims, crawls or walks,

are moments in her vastness.


One would think that all would hold,

the earth as the most sacred;

Yet most are willing to pollute,

and rape the mother planet.


Earth we are, and we shall become,

and even though we are a cancer;

The earth will survive our scourge,

because we are not the answer.


And we will return no matter what,

all that is will come to past;

Except this mighty Earth of ours,

which most certainly will last.

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